Friday, July 9, 2010

Sweet Pea - Koi in Red, White and Blue

This week's challenge on Sweet Pea stampers is to used Red, Blue and White. This is not my usual color combination so I tried to imagine which of my Sweet Pea stamps would look good in these colors. It took some time, but when I looked at Koi, I could instantly see her in Red, Blue and White. So here she is:The image is colored mostly with Prismacolor pencils (only the skin is done with copics), highlighted some areas with glitter pens and added pearls on the lotus flowers. The panels behind the main image are from K&Co and the background is SU specialty paper sponged with various shades of blue.
The sketch is from Moving Along With Time challenge and I'm also entering it into Clearly Delightful Challenge (use pearls, bling or buttons)


Marlene said...

Looks great in red, white and blue!

JayLynn said...

Gorgeous card!!

Unknown said...

For not being your color combo it looks pretty good! Beautiful job!

CarlaKH said...

Gorgeous! Love the unique color combo! thanks for joining us at CDBC!

Georgia Ehrmann said...

Such a beautiful card and your coloring is wonderful! Thanks for playing CDBC7

Pat (mspfd) said...

Beautiful creation! Love the colors and wonderful design. Thanks so much for joining us for the CDBC7!

L.Wilson said...

Wow, gorgeous soft coloring and wonderful layout. thanks for entering in CDBC7!

Powerful Search Engine said...

Hi this is so pretty she does look fantastic in these colours you chose so wisely. I love your prismacolour colouring so much. Thanks for joining us again at Sweet Pea Stampers hugs Pascale

HappyCrafter said...

Gorgeous! Great job with those colours, which you somehow acheived to use and still get a soft card, and the hair and colouring is wonderful, makes me want to go out and get prismas!

Maria Matter said...

Gorgeous Alica!!!
love the glitter and pearls!

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